How to use Ansible Vault to keep sensitive data in your playbooks hidden and protected.

Ansible Vault is a feature of Ansible that allows users to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and other confidential information.

Vault file

Define sensitive key value pairs for usage in your playbook, in a dedicated yaml file, (e.g. vars/vault.yaml) for encryption using ansible-vault tool.

# vars/vault.yaml
vault_my_database_root_password: rootPassword123
vault_my_secret_api_key: api-key-123

This file can be encrypted using the ansible-vault tool in the terminal as follows:

ansible-vault encrypt vars/vault.yaml

The contents of the file will now be encrypted and when viewed will look something like:


You will be asked to provide a vault password at this stage, be sure to remember it as it will be required anytime you run a playbook that requires access to the encrypted variables. To view the unencrypted contents use:

ansible-vault view vars/vault.yaml

If you want to change your vault password, you can do so by running:

ansible-vault rekey var/vault.yaml


To make use of the encrypted variables in your playbook, follow these steps:

  • create a new vars file to set new key value pairs:
# vars/vars.yaml
my_database_root_password: "{{ vault_my_database_root_password }}"
my_secret_api_key: "{{ vault_my_secret_api_key  }}"
  • reference these files in playbook:
# playbook.yaml
- name: Configure server

    - ./vars/vault.yaml
    - ./vars/vars.yaml

      - name: debug the vault vars
          msg: "rootPassword: {{ my_database_root_password }} apiKey: {{ my_secret_api_key }}"
          - debug

When the playbook is ran the unencrypted values will be shown in output.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini -t debug --ask-vault-password playbook.yaml

output contains:

"msg": "rootPassword: rootPassword123 apiKey: api-key-123"

Providing the vault password each time is a bit of a nuisance, so you can store the password in a file, the content of which should only contain the actual vault password. Then use a modified command to run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini -t debug --vault-password-file vaultpswd playbook.yaml

Obviously, don’t commit that file.